========================================================== *NLO News: January 1997* (Reprint) ---------------------------------------------------------- *Living MicroOrganisms From Space Real or Apparent?*
The recent announcement by the American spaceagency, NASA that
a team of scientists have found evidence for primitive fossil
life on the planet Mars reminded me of an article, which I wrote
in 1963, that described a sequence of unusual events at the
Norman Lockyer Observatory, Sidmouth, in the period 1936 to
1961. During the summer months of 1936 the Observatory's
springwater supply, used in the routine processing of
photographic material, was found to contain a very high
concentration of ultrarapid gelatineliquefying bacteria, whose
characteristics were markedly different from those of B.
fluoroscens liquefaciens, normally present in the local supply.
The invading organisms disappeared in the ensuing winter, only
to reappear during the summer of 1937 indicative of a
sporeforming microorganism.
Between 1937 and 1963 five more major outbreaks of the invading
microorganism were recorded, and in one event (1956) the
appearance of the ultrarapid liquefyers in the water supply was
preceded by approximately 4 days by an extremely rapid airborne
strain of liquefying organisms having a yeastlike structure.
At the height of each major 'invasion' irreparable damage to
freshly processed spectrographic plates was caused by numerous
quasicircular craterlike defects (0.05 0.25 mm in diameter)
from the centre of which the silver deposit had been eroded, and
transferred to the perimeter. In a badly affected 1/4plate
negative some 5100 of these craters could be seen at low
magnification (x15). In several instances the photographic film
was completely liquefied and was seen to slide off the glass
base intact. By contrast, the indigenous strains of F.
fluorescens were quite incapable of completely liquefying the
gelatine layer even at high concentrations.
Two outstanding features of the invading microorganisms that
differentiated them from the local springwater liquefiers were:
1. its phenomenally rapid liquefaction property; and
2. its complete toleration of the highly toxic concentration
of silver and silver halide salts in the processed
photographic film.
On some tests made with pure cultures on unexposed and
unprocessed plates rapid liquefaction was not impaired.
When confronted by such unusual properties of the bacterial
organism as those just described, it is natural to pose the
1. Is the observed activity of the invading bacterium wholly
consistent with that expected from terrestrial strains?
2. Why do these microorganisms show such high tolerances to
toxic silver halide salts in sharp contrast to the
reactions of indigenous types?
3. If the 'invaders' are indeed extraterrestrial, what is
the likely source?
In an attempt to answer these questions, all the available data
between 1936 and 1961 were analysed in conjunction with solar
(geomagnetic storm) activity and planetary (Venusian)
The results were completely unexpected and clearly indicated
that (with one doubtful exception in a total of nine bacterial
events) each recorded presence of the abnormal liquefying
microorganisms in the local water supply coincided closely in
date with an inferior conjunction of Venus and a concurrent
major geomagnetic storm.
Furthermore, an examination of the local weather conditions
preceding each of the six major events exhibited a similar
pattern marked by a period of rainfall immediately prior to the
bacterial invasion and a wind direction remaining predominantly
northerly during the timeinterval between the geomagnetic
storms and the bacterial events.
The latter observation suggests that a northerly surface
airstream is required to transport the airborne
microorganisms to the locality of the Observatory where they
are brought to the ground by the local rainfall. Indeed this is
what might be expected if the foreign particles are initially
injected into the upper atmosphere by the solar wind entering
the auroral belt some 500 miles north of Sidmouth. Moreover, the
observed mean interval of 55 days between geomagnetic storm and
bacterial invasion of the local water supply is consistent with
a cloud velocity of some 15 miles/day, a speed sufficiently
realistic to support the above hypothesis.
If indeed this is a valid one, we have presumptive evidence that
the events occurring at the Norman Lockyer Observatory were
caused by the extraterrestrial strain of gelatineliquefying
bacteria which had originated in the upper atmosphere of Venus
and then been transported to Earth by the solar wind associated
with major geomagnetic storms.
Granted that the arguments presented above are highly
speculative, the support provided by the totem of observational
evidence appears sufficiently strong to justify a valid
We may, therefore, presume that the facts as observed are
consistent with an extraterrestrial origin for the invading
organisms and that they are brought to Earth in the solar wind
from the upper atmosphere of Venus where the temperature is
similar to the summer temperature at the Earth's surface.
Consequently, the fact that the observed invading bacteria were
living may well make their discovery of even greater importance
than the recent claim that fossilised microorganisms in a
meteorite had come initially from the planet Mars.
Donald R. Barber (Director Emeritus).
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NLO Webmaster to: R.M.White at exeter.ac.uk
NLO bookings to:
Kathleen Dollery - K.M.Dollery at exeter.ac.uk
NLO enquiries to
Gerald White - G.E.White at exeter.ac.uk
Copyright Norman Lockyer Observatory © February 2002